[Insight-users] SimpleITK with Java wrapper on Linux

Bradley Lowekamp brad at lowekamp.net
Mon Dec 30 09:24:15 EST 2013


SimpleITK compiles just fine on Linux under Debian for Java binding. It does take a bit of memory and CPU time to compile it however.

There are a couple reasons that java binaries are not provided for Linux. First generally it's easiest to compile on Linux compared to the other platforms. Second on many default Llinux systems OpenJDK is the default java package, which is not binary compatible with Sun Java. Also there are the issues of the dependent glibc version along with the other linked libraries. In short there are too many variables to have a reliable binary distribution, and in general it's easy enough to build it.

Additionally, you specific use case may be different. As you are going to be using the version of java included with Matlab. When you compile SimpleITK make sure that you point to the java tools that are provided by Matlab, this should maximize compatibility.

On Dec 29, 2013, at 9:30 PM, Mathew Guilfoyle <mrguilfoyle at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been using the pre-compiled Win x64 SimpleITK 0.6 Java binaries with Matlab on Windows 7/8 for a while now.  For various reasons I'm planning to migrate to Debian as my primary OS.  Is it possible to compile the Java wrapper to SimpleITK under Linux?  If so, would it be possible to provide a precompiled binary of this in future - only Windows and OSX are currently available for download?
> Thanks in advance
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