[Insight-users] itk::Statistics::MixtureModelComponentBase class to deal with t-Student distribution.

Ricardo Ferrari ricardo.jose.ferrari at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 06:32:08 EST 2013

Dear itk-users,

I am planing to extend the itk::Statistics::MixtureModelComponentBase class
to deal with t-Student distribution.

My questions are:

a) Does anybody have done this already or worked on something similar ?

b) Since t-student distribution is not not part of the *exponential* families,
can I still use the itk base-classes of the Expectation-Maximization
algorithm used to estimate the parameters of Gaussian Mixture Models ?

I would appreciate any help on this topic.

Thank you,


PS: I would like to thank you all for the great and important tool provided
for the biomedical imaging community. The ITK library has been the tool
that I have been using for my research and teaching purposes.

Ricardo J. Ferrari, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor
Federal University of São Carlos
Rod. Washington Luís, Km 235
Caixa Postal 676 - 13565-905 São Carlos-SP - Brazil
Work Phone: +55 (16) 3306-6607  ;  Fax: +55 (16) 3351-8233
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