[Insight-users] Compilation error when includong itkTIFFImageIO.h

Françoise LEFEBVRE lefebvre at imnc.in2p3.fr
Tue Feb 19 11:28:31 EST 2013


I sent a message some days ago but I've got no answer. The following 
problem is really blocking for my soft :

I am working with MSVC2010, ITK4.3 and QT5.0.1 and the makefile is 
generated from a .pro file using qmake.

When including  :

#include <itkTIFFImageIO.h>

the project does not compile because of the following error :

c:\appli\itk\include\itk-4.3\itktiff\tiff.h(31): fatal error C1083: 
unable to open include : 'tif_config.h' : No such file or directory

Indeed the file tif_config.h is not in the 
"(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)\include\itk-4.3\itktif"  directory whereas the 
installation seemed to be OK. I don't have any problem with png or jpeg 

Thank you for your help

F. Lefebvre

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