[Insight-users] 回复: AnalyzeImageIO can't work?

Czyhandsome 594125582 at qq.com
Fri Jan 4 07:57:26 EST 2013

Well, I didn't highlight the "ITKV3_COMPATIBILITY" option, that must be the main problem!
As to Visual Studio 2012, I did rebuild the ITK, with the compile "Visual Studio 11" chosed.
Here is the CMake Configuration Log:
See in appendix file

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Bill Lorensen-2 [via ITK - Users]"<ml-node+s7n30470h27 at n7.nabble.com>;
发送时间: 2013年1月4日(星期五) 晚上8:50
收件人: "Czyhandsome"<594125582 at qq.com>; 

主题: Re: AnalyzeImageIO can't work?

 	To use the deprecated classes you must turn ITKV3_COMPATIBILITY:BOOL=ON. 
But this was also true in itk 4.2. 

Did start with a new itk build when you switched to VS 2012? 

Can you show us your CMakeLists.txt file? 

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Czyhandsome <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> Hi, Bill. I've just updated ITk to 4.3, but to find that class AnalyzeImageIO 
> can't work properly. 
> Here is my code: 
> //*************************Code*************************// 
> #include <itkImageFileReader.h> 
> #include <itkImageFileWriter.h> 
> #include <itkNiftiImageIO.h> 
> typedef itk::Image<float, 3> ImageType; 
> typedef itk::ImageFileReader<ImageType> ReaderType; 
> typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType> WriterType; 
> int main() 
> { 
>         ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); 
>         reader->SetFileName("C:\\Users\\dell\\Desktop\\Pictionary\\Basemap.img"); 
>         itk::NiftiImageIO::Pointer imageIO = itk::NiftiImageIO::New(); 
>         reader->SetImageIO(imageIO); 
>         WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New(); 
>         writer->SetInput(reader->GetOutput()); 
> writer->SetFileName("C:\\Users\\dell\\Desktop\\Pictionary\\NewBasemap.img"); 
>         writer->SetImageIO(imageIO); 
>         try 
>         { 
>                 reader->Update(); 
>                 writer->Update(); 
>         } 
>         catch(itk::ExceptionObject &err) 
>         { 
>                 std::cerr << err << std::endl; 
>         } 
>         system("pause"); 
>         return 0; 
> } 
> //*************************Code*************************// 
> This code worked very well last night, with visual studio 2008 and ITK-4.2. 
> But today, after changing to visual studio 2012 and ITK-4.3, this code can't 
> work, with the following error: 
> //**************Error**************// 
> error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 "protected: __thiscall 
> itk::AnalyzeImageIO::AnalyzeImageIO(void)" 
> (??0AnalyzeImageIO at itk@@IAE at XZ),该符号在函数 "public: static class 
> itk::SmartPointer<class itk::AnalyzeImageIO> __cdecl 
> itk::AnalyzeImageIO::New(void)" 
> (?New at AnalyzeImageIO@itk@@SA?AV?$SmartPointer at VAnalyzeImageIO@itk@@@2 at XZ) 
> 中被引用    F:\Czy_Program\ITK_Task\ITK_Task\PNGReadWrite.obj       ITK_Task 
> //**************Error**************// 
> Why does this happen? 
> FYI: The itkAnalyzeImageIO.h file is in folder 
> ".\ITK\InsightToolkit-4.3.1\Modules\Compatibility\Deprecated\include". Does 
> this means that I must check "compatibility" on when CMAKE, otherwise I 
> can't use those old-version classes? 
> Looking forward to your reply. 
> Your sincerely 
> Cao Ziyu 
> -- 
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