[Insight-users] Vector image interpolation

Rômulo Pinho romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr
Thu Jan 24 05:19:14 EST 2013

Hello, again,
I've just implemented the idea below and it works. In any case, if you 
have any other ideas, please do share!

On 01/23/2013 10:32 PM, Rômulo Pinho wrote:
> Hi, Brad,
> Thanks for the tips...
> I don't have a snippet at hand now, but I basically have two 
> itk::Image< itk::Vector< type, dim >, dim > which I wish to 
> interpolate at a given distance. The problem with 
> InterpolateImageFilter is that it expects an interpolator which 
> derives from InterpolateImageFunction, whereas all vector 
> interpolators derive from VectorInterpolateFunction...
> The best I can think of is to extract the components of my vector 
> images into scalar images (I think there's an adaptor for that, 
> right?), then use the InterpolateImageFilter on each of them, and 
> finally reassemble the resulting components into a new vector image... 
> It's not very efficient, but will do for the moment... Is it what you 
> had in mind?
> I guess that, ideally, I'd have to implement my own 
> VectorInterpolateImageFilter...
> Regards,
> Rômulo
> On 23/01/2013 15:49, Bradley Lowekamp wrote:
>> What is your specific image type and interpolator you are trying to use?
>> Do you have a small code snippet that you are trying to get to work 
>> with the filter?
>> I think that the InterpolateImageFilter should ( not that is does ) 
>> work with either image type. It likely just needs a little tweaking. 
>> So you you provide an example program, I hopefully can take a look to 
>> see if there are some little tweaks that are needed can be easily done.
>> Brad
>> On Jan 23, 2013, at 6:55 AM, Rômulo Pinho 
>> <romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr 
>> <mailto:romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr>> wrote:
>>> Hello, everyone,
>>> Is there an equivalent of itk::InterpolateImageFilter for vector images?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Regards,
>>> Rômulo
>>> -- 
>>> Rômulo PINHO
>>> Post-doc Assistant Researcher
>>> Centre Léon Bérard
>>> 28, rue Laennec 69373
>>> Lyon, France
>>> +33 (0)4 78 78 51 50
>>> romulo.pinho at lyon.unicancer.fr  
>>> http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio/RomuloPinho
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