[Insight-users] errors when run DicomSeriesReadSeriesWrite.cxx

Zhao Liz lizzhao76 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 08:56:35 EST 2013

Hi all,
I am compiling the example DicomSeriesReadSeriesWrite.cxx using ITK version
3.20.1.I put the command line like this:
  namesGenerator->SetInputDirectory("D:\\103151" );//this is the file
directory where my MRI images located and the reader read
  const char * outputDirectory = "D:\\DICOM3";//and this is the output
directory I set
  itksys::SystemTools::MakeDirectory( outputDirectory );
The codes can be successfully compiled but throw a Exception when I press
the ctrl+F5.It says:
"Exception thrown while writiing the image

"itk::ExceptionObject <00C0F2E4>
"Location:"void_thiscall itk::ImageSeriesReader<class
"File:d:\visual studio 2008\projects\sereswrite\bin\itkImageSeriesReader.txx
"Description:itk::ERROR: ImageSeriesReader<005BF1E0>:At least one filename
is required.

The error seems to say that my directory is null.But the
filename"D:\\103151"is clearly not.Can anybody tell me why? And what's the
problem at all?Thank u!!

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