[Insight-users] ITK 4.2+ and VXL 1.17

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Sun Jan 27 13:38:32 EST 2013

Hey Mario,

I think the attached patches may do the trick (VXL r36001 and r35963).


On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Mario Ceresa <mrceresa at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Matt, for your rapid response! Would you mind pointing me to the patch?
> Best!
> Mario
> On 26 January 2013 03:20, Matt McCormick <matt.mccormick at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mario,
>> Thank you for maintaining the packages.
>> We worked with the VXL community to introduce backwards compatibility
>> patches so ITK will continue to work with as many versions of VXL as
>> possible. So,  it would be easiest to apply that patch in your package
>> instead.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>> On Jan 25, 2013 8:32 PM, "Mario Ceresa" <mrceresa at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello everybody!
>>> I'm the maintainer of ITK, VXL and dependent software on Fedora.
>>> After upgrading VXL to version 1.17 I found myself endlessly patching
>>> all vnl_math_ calls with vnl_math::
>>> https://github.com/mrceresa/ITK/commit/75f89b8782b42bc35e494b60a4a0a221fd08245f
>>> https://github.com/mrceresa/ITK/commit/d67c35c548f47ac64fbaba1b2c16259fc8f2d46e
>>> I'd rather not to maintain all those separate changes, do you think it
>>> is possible/reasonable to upgrade bundled vxl to 1.17?
>>> My plan would be:
>>> * Upgrade the internal reduced version of vxl
>>> * Fix all build errors (I already have all the patches)
>>> * Fix all failing tests, if any (I'm unsure because I still have to
>>> patch all the build errors of the tests)
>>> * Send a pull request with all the changes
>>> Maybe someone could comment on it?
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Mario
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