[Insight-users] SVDC vnl_svd 4d DICOM DCMTK inverting matrix error

Jose Ignacio Prieto joseignacio.prieto at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 09:51:55 EDT 2013

Hi, I am modifying DCMTKImageIO to load 4D dicom images. I changed a line
to set number of dimensions =4 so the dimensions matrix is 4x4. The problem
is that when trying to read it gives this error:

suspicious return value (4) from SVDC

M is 4x4

M = [ ...

0 0 -3.6000000000000 0

1.7857142686844 0 0 0

0 -1.7857142686844 0 0

0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 1.0000000000000 ]

the call stack is the following:

0 vnl_svd<double>::vnl_svd vnl_svd.txx 103 0x9ccc7a
1 vnl_matrix_inverse<double>::vnl_matrix_inverse vnl_matrix_inverse.h 36
2 itk::Matrix<double, 4u, 4u>::GetInverse itkMatrix.h 242 0x993ee0
3 itk::ImageBase<4u>::ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices itkImageBase.hxx
200 0x990e93
4 itk::Image<unsigned short, 4u>::ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices
itkImage.hxx 149 0x98fa4e
5 itk::ImageBase<4u>::SetDirection itkImageBase.hxx 172 0x98f3d9
6 itk::ImageFileReader<itk::Image<unsigned short, 4u>,
itk::DefaultConvertPixelTraits<unsigned short> >::GenerateOutputInformation
itkImageFileReader.hxx 227 0x99c71f
7 itk::ProcessObject::UpdateOutputInformation itkProcessObject.cxx 1534
8 itk::ImageSeriesReader<itk::Image<unsigned short, 4u>
>::GenerateOutputInformation itkImageSeriesReader.hxx 147 0x98bb85
9 itk::ProcessObject::UpdateOutputInformation itkProcessObject.cxx 1534
10 itk::ImageBase<4u>::UpdateOutputInformation itkImageBase.hxx 239
11 itk::DataObject::Update itkDataObject.cxx 357 0xa19f53
12 itk::ProcessObject::Update itkProcessObject.cxx 1324 0xa0af2c
13 main Image4D.cxx 205 0x97a033

If anybody has any clue about why that matrix can't be 4x4 it would be

José Ignacio Prieto
celular(nuevo): 94348182
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