[Insight-users] appending two 3d vtk volumes in the z-direction

Tim Bhatnagar tim.bhatnagar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 16:18:01 EDT 2013

Hello all,

I have to vector images I would like to append together (volume one - 15
slices in 'z'; volume two - 15 slices in 'z' -> combined volume - 30 slices
in 'z')

I have looked at the old ITK posts and 'tileimagefilter' seems to be the
best bet, but I'm getting confused with setting up the layout parameters.

The 'x' and 'y' directions are identical, as are all properties of the
volumes.. I just want to compose one volume from the two input volumes.

Any help for this seemingly trivial task would be much appreciated!

Tim Bhatnagar
PhD Candidate
Orthopaedic Injury Biomechanics Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of British Columbia

Rm 5000 - 818 West 10th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9

Ph: (604) 675-8845
Fax: (604) 675-8820
Web: oibg.mech.ubc.ca
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