[Insight-users] I have some problem with the ConnectedThresholdImageFilter , please help me !

Xiaoxiao Liu xiaoxiao.liu at kitware.com
Wed Jul 31 09:59:14 EDT 2013

What about the seed position?
Is the reported pixel "connected" to the seed?

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 9:06 AM, zhq <15891495523 at 126.com> wrote:

> Hi :
>     I used ITK to read a total of 100 dicom files , and then , I want to
> segment a part from the volume data using the ConnectedThresholdImageFilter
> . My problem can be described as follow :
>     before the segmentation algorithm , I get a point  pixel
> using reader->GetOutput()->GetPixel(index1) , the result is 8
>     after the segmentation algorithm , I get the same point's pixel , the
> result is 0 .
>    But , in the algorithm , I set the lower and upper thresholds is  0
>  and 4096 ,  and the pixel which between the interval is setted 100
> using SetReplaceValue method .  So , I am confused with the 0 .
>    Thanks !
> zhq
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*Xiaoxiao Liu*, Ph.D.
R & D Engineer
Kitware Inc <http://www.kitware.com/>.
Clifton Park, NY
Phone: (518) 881-4924  or  (518) 371-3971 x124
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