[Insight-users] Model to image registration

Boris KABAR b.l.f.kabar at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 00:54:08 EDT 2013

Dear itk-users,


I’d like to match a subset of a 2D aerial image to a 3D model (a cylinder).

The parameters of the affine transform between image/model are known.

As input, I have an initial estimate of:

-  the model parameters, i.e. radius and height.

-  the location of the top, i.e. the disk center.

This is a model/image registration with a fixed transform, leading to find
the best model parameters that fit the image.

I need some lights about how to use itk registration framework to manage
this correspondence issue. 





PhD. student



Lab: ISR/LGEI, Ecole des Mines d’Alès

Team: Industrial and Natural Risks

Adress: 6, Avenue de Clavières - 30319 Alès - France

Phone: +33 (0) 4 66 78 27 54 

Fax: +33 (0) 4 66 78 27 01

@:  <mailto:boris.kabar at mines-ales.fr> boris.kabar at mines-ales.fr



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