[Insight-users] ThreadedGenerateData()

Vikash Gupta vikash.gupta at inria.fr
Thu Mar 21 16:02:22 EDT 2013

Dear Itk-Users, 
This might be a naive question but I am pondering over it for some time. When the ThreadedGenerateData() function is called in an itk filter, the threads refer to the number of CPUs on a computer or the number of cores on each CPU. 

For example, i have 8 cpus on my laptop with 4 cores on each, so if I call SetNumberOfThreads(4), these 4 cores will belong to the same CPU ? 

On the next lever, if I divide the work on each cpu and then also do multithreading in each CPU, will the number of threads correspond to the number of cores on each CPU ? 
Thanks a lot for any insight.. 


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