[Insight-users] Parameter scales for registration (second try)

Joël Schaerer joel.schaerer at gmail.com
Tue May 7 11:59:04 EDT 2013

I spent a while looking at the v4 optimization framework. I can follow 
your reasoning until UpdateTransformParameters is called on the 
transform. However, at this state, the old scaling is still done:

   if( factor == 1.0 )
     for( NumberOfParametersType k = 0; k < numberOfParameters; k++ )
       this->m_Parameters[k] += update[k];
     for( NumberOfParametersType k = 0; k < numberOfParameters; k++ )
       this->m_Parameters[k] += update[k] * factor;

which makes sense, since parameters scales are an optimizer concept that 
transforms know nothing about.

So (if I understand correctly), the code has been shuffled around quite 
a bit, but the behavior is still the same.

Is there something I'm missing?


On 07/05/2013 16:40, brian avants wrote:
> also - to take away a bit of the "mystery" surrounding v4 
> optimization, let's see how the gradient descent AdvanceOneStep 
> function works:
> void
> GradientDescentOptimizerv4
> ::AdvanceOneStep()
> {
>   itkDebugMacro("AdvanceOneStep");
>   /* Begin threaded gradient modification.
>    * Scale by gradient scales, then estimate the learning
>    * rate if options are set to (using the scaled gradient),
>    * then modify by learning rate. The m_Gradient variable
>    * is modified in-place. */
>   this->ModifyGradientByScales();
>   this->EstimateLearningRate();
>   this->ModifyGradientByLearningRate();
>   try
>     {
>     /* Pass graident to transform and let it do its own updating */
>     this->m_Metric->UpdateTransformParameters( this->m_Gradient );
>     }
>   catch ( ExceptionObject & )
>     {
>     this->m_StopCondition = UPDATE_PARAMETERS_ERROR;
>     this->m_StopConditionDescription << "UpdateTransformParameters error";
>     this->StopOptimization();
>     // Pass exception to caller
>     throw;
>     }
>   this->InvokeEvent( IterationEvent() );
> }
> i hope this does not look too convoluted.  then the base metric class 
> does this:
> template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, 
> class TVirtualImage>
> void
> ObjectToObjectMetric<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage>
> ::UpdateTransformParameters( const DerivativeType & derivative, 
> ParametersValueType factor )
> {
>   /* Rely on transform::UpdateTransformParameters to verify proper
>    * size of derivative */
> this->m_MovingTransform->UpdateTransformParameters( derivative, factor );
> }
> so the transform parameters should be updated in a way that is 
> consistent with:
> newPosition[j] = currentPosition[j] + transformedGradient[j] * factor 
> / scales[j];
> factor defaults to 1 ....  anyway, as you can infer from the above 
> discussion, even the basic gradient descent optimizer can be used to 
> take " regular steps "  if you want.
> brian
> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:23 AM, brian avants <stnava at gmail.com 
> <mailto:stnava at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     brad
>     did this issue ever go up on jira?  i do remember discussing with
>     you at a meeting.   our solution is in the v4 optimizers.
>     the trivial additive parameter update doesnt work in more general
>     cases e.g. when you need to compose parameters with parameter
>     updates.
>     to resolve this limitation, the v4 optimizers pass the update step
>     to the transformations
>     this implements the idea that  " the transforms know how to update
>     themselves "
>     there are several other differences, as nick pointed out, that
>     reduce the need for users to experiment with scales .
>     for basic scenarios like that being discussed by joel, i prefer
>     the conjugate gradient optimizer with line search.
>     itkConjugateGradientLineSearchOptimizerv4.h
>     when combined with the scale estimators, this leads to
>     registration algorithms with very few parameters to tune.   1
>     parameter if you dont consider multi-resolution.
>     brian
>     On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Nick Tustison <ntustison at gmail.com
>     <mailto:ntustison at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Hi Brad,
>         I certainly don't disagree with Joel's findings.  It seems like a
>         good fix which should be put up on gerrit.  There were several
>         components that we kept in upgrading the registration framework.
>         The optimizers weren't one of them.
>         Also, could you elaborate a bit more on the "convoluted" aspects
>         of parameter advancement?  There's probably a reason for it and
>         we could explain why.
>         Nick

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