[Insight-users] Troubles with the manipulation of label objects

Cagatay Bilgin bilgincc at gmail.com
Thu May 16 14:34:39 EDT 2013

Antonio, when you add two binary images (lets say 0 background 1
foreground), you are getting a value of 2 when both of the inputs are 1 at
that specific location. addImageFilterPointer_2's output is most likely not
binary, which explains the issue you are observing.


On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 2:30 AM, Antonio Calabrese <calantoanto at gmail.com>wrote:

> Therefore, addImageFilterPointer_2 is a pointer to a fall of two
> AddImageFilter objects, which take as their input two images obtained from
> two BinaryThresholderFilter objects (with SetOutsideValue and
> SetInsideValue
> setup as 0 and 255) and a third image obtained from a
> RegionalMinimaImageFilter object. So, I should have only binary images.
> Really a Thresholderfilter's output is inverted before being summed with a
> InvertIntensityImageFilter (with SetMaximum sets as 255)
> Is it possible that the sum of Binary images with AddImage gives me not a
> binary image?
> --
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Cemal Cagatay Bilgin, PhD
Life Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
MS977, One Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Email: ccbilgin at lbl.gov
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