[Insight-users] itk/simpleitk differences for ReconstructionByDilationImageFilter marker/mask inputs?

Thomas Deschamps tdeschamps at lbl.gov
Tue May 21 02:35:38 EDT 2013


In ITK ReconstructionByDilationImageFilter it's specifically written in the
The marker image must be less than or equal to the mask image (on a
pixel by pixel basis).
But in SimpleITK I get the following error message with

itk::ERROR: ReconstructionByDilationImageFilter(0x7fd6fc671ea0): Marker
pixels must be >= mask pixels.

So either the message means that some marker pixels have been found to be
>= to mask pixels, or another convention as been chosen. Does anybody know
the answer?

BTW, it is clearly not indicated in the documentation which image is the
marker image and which one is the mask image. Is this documented anywhere?

Thanks for your help.

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