[Insight-users] question regarding registration outputs

Tim Bhatnagar tim.bhatnagar at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 12:48:01 EDT 2013

Hello all,

I use the ITK examples ImageRegistration5, ImageRegistration8 and
DeformableRegistration2 (Demon's) for registration of normal and deformed
data (same subject). Briefly, I do some pre-registration of my data using
ImageReg5 and ImageReg8 (for gross alignment), after which I take the
produced displacement fields, and use them as the 'initial displacement
field' for DefReg2.

In all cases, I am using my 'pre-deformation' data as my fixed source, and
my 'deformation' data as my moving source.

I have some fiducial markers to check the accuracy of the generated
displacement field, and it looks pretty good. However, when trying to
produce figures, my registration output looks much closer to my
'deformation' data, and sometimes the output and the actual 'deformation'
data are offset by a magnitude.

In my situation, should I be aiming to have my registration output appear
similar to my 'pre-deformation' data? (I get confused reading the ITK
explanation on that) Shouldn't I be able to produce the a 'deformation'
look-a-like by using WarpImageFilter with my 'pre-deformation' data and my
generated displacement field?

Sorry this was so wordy. Any help would be much appreciated.

Tim Bhatnagar
PhD Candidate
Orthopaedic Injury Biomechanics Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of British Columbia

Rm 5000 - 818 West 10th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9

Ph: (604) 675-8845
Fax: (604) 675-8820
Web: oibg.mech.ubc.ca
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