[Insight-users] recommended steps for building ITKv4 with modules

Xiaoxiao Liu xiaoxiao.liu at kitware.com
Thu Sep 26 11:19:20 EDT 2013

Hi there,

If you are confused about the some of the newer CMake options (eg.
ITKGroup_{}, Module_{}* etc.)
when building your ITKv4 libraries, please check out the following blog
post, which provides step-by-step instructions on customizing ITK library
with selections of modules, and more:

The instructions applies to ITK 4.5.0+.
Let us know if you have questions and concerns.


*Xiaoxiao Liu*, Ph.D.
R & D Engineer
Kitware Inc <http://www.kitware.com/>.
Clifton Park, NY
Phone: (518) 881-4924  or  (518) 371-3971 x124
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