[ITK-users] Future of WrapITK

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Tue Dec 2 11:04:56 EST 2014


The complications of OSX's clang 5.0 switching to libc++ from GNU's libstdc++ are complex. If you set CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET < 10.9, then GNU's libstdc++ will still be used and support for tr1 will exists, so the C++11 requirement may be relaxed for some cases.

Currently the SimpleITK's master has a linking issue on Visual Studio when static libraries are created. If you choose to create shared libraries you can get it too link, although the installation of all ITK and SimpleITK shared libraries is more complicated and not automatic.


On Dec 2, 2014, at 10:56 AM, Paavolainen Lassi <lassi.paavolainen at jyu.fi> wrote:

> So at least we are set for now except the OS X package and library needing C++11.

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