[ITK-users] convert mha to stack of dicom images
Tim Allman
dr.tim.allman at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 09:01:54 EST 2014
Good idea. I have not done that. I was merely happy if Osirix would read the files.
On Dec 7, 2014, at 17:42 , David Clunie <dclunie at dclunie.com> wrote:
> Make sure you run dciodvfy and dcentvfy on DICOM files that you
> create, to check that they are compliant (within the limits of
> what these tools can mechanically check). See:
> http://www.dclunie.com/dicom3tools/dciodvfy.html
> David
> On 12/6/14 2:08 PM, Tim Allman wrote:
>> I wrote a program for OSX to convert any file format recognized by ITK to DICOM. I wrote it for myself so most of the formats, including mha, haven’t been tested. If you have a Mac then you may even be able to run it. If not, the code should be helpful in showing how to construct a DICOM series.
>> source and binary: https://github.com/TimAllman/ConvertToDicom/releases/tag/v0.1-beta
>> I hope you find this helpful. If you have questions about the program feel free to email me.
>> Tim
>> On Dec 6, 2014, at 11:19 , Matias Montroull <matimontg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> I jave a .mha file which is the result of a fusion between CT and RM and would like to convert the resulting mha into a DICOM series or stack. How can I do this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matias.
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