[Insight-users] SetFixedImageRegion

Iyas Hamdan iyas.hamdan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 05:56:39 EST 2014

Hello all,

I am working on image registration, and for now I am considering the whole
image but I want to use a region of interest instead.

And to do so I'm using :

registration ->SetFixedImageRegion(region);

And "region" being my region of interesed defined as follows: ( assuming 2D

  FixedImageType::IndexType index;
  FixedImageType::SizeType size;
  FixedImageType::RegionType region;

  index[0] = xxx;
  index[1] = yyy;

  size[0] = xx;
  size[1] = yy;


This way I define my region of interest as a rectangle, so my question is;
is it possible to make it two different rectangles ( having two regions of
interest in the image) ?

Thanks in advance!

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