[Insight-users] ITK Wrapping commands

Sami Koho sami.koho at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 04:30:36 EST 2014


I have been trying to get ITKTransformFileWriter/ITKTransformFileReader
classes wrapped, as I would need them in my Python code. Everything seems
to work nicely, if I use the non-templated class only,  as follows:

itk_wrap_class("itk::TransformFileReader" POINTER)

However, the wrapping file that is included in ITK 4.5.0 includes the

itk_wrap_class("itk::TransformFileReaderTemplate" POINTER)
    foreach(t ${WRAP_ITK_REAL})
    itk_wrap_template("${ITKM_${t}}" "${ITKT_${t}}")

and this does not work, as there is no header file called
itkTransformFileReaderTemplate.h. How could I make this work? Is the a way
to force the header file name to itkTransformFileReader.h?

In the WrapITK publication there's a mention of WRAP_INCLUDE and
WRAPPER_AUTO_INCLUDE_HEADERS macros; the prior seems to work as
itk_wrap_include("itkTransformFileReader.h"), but I could not figure  out
how to disable the auto-include.


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