[Insight-users] Hello ITK with Qt Creator issue

Barbara Post bpo at eonix.be
Wed Feb 26 09:19:03 EST 2014

Hi Jothy,

Thanks for your suggestion, it doesn't work for now.

Qt Creator project file: http://pastebin.com/3pGLjbNw
main.cpp : http://pastebin.com/9kzp3tkd

Compilation result : http://pastebin.com/BUpt1pK3

Barbara POST
+32 65/68.02.18
bpo at eonix.be

From: Jothybasu Selvaraj [mailto:jothybasu at gmail.com]
Sent: mercredi 26 février 2014 15:03
To: Barbara Post
Cc: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Hello ITK with Qt Creator issue

It should look something like this

win32: LIBS +=-L$$PWD/../../ITK/lib -lITKBiasCorrection-4.5 -lITKBioCell-4.5 -lITKCommon-4.5 -lITKDICOMParser-4.5 -litkdouble-conversion-4.5 -lITKEXPAT-4.5 -lITKFEM-4.5 -litkgdcmCommon-4.5 -litkgdcmDICT-4.5 -litkgdcmDSED-4.5\

        -litkgdcmIOD-4.5 -litkgdcmjpeg8-4.5 -litkgdcmjpeg12-4.5 -litkgdcmjpeg16-4.5 -litkgdcmMSFF-4.5 -lITKgiftiio-4.5 -litkhdf5_cpp-4.5 -litkhdf5-4.5 -lITKIOBioRad-4.5 -lITKIOBMP-4.5\

        -lITKIOCSV-4.5 -lITKIOGDCM-4.5 -lITKIOGE-4.5 -lITKIOGIPL-4.5 -lITKIOHDF5-4.5 -lITKIOImageBase-4.5 -lITKIOIPL-4.5 -lITKIOJPEG-4.5 -lITKIOLSM-4.5 -lITKIOMesh-4.5 -lITKIOMeta-4.5 -lITKIOMRC-4.5\

        -lITKIONIFTI-4.5 -lITKIONRRD-4.5 -lITKIOPNG-4.5 -lITKIOSiemens-4.5 -lITKIOSpatialObjects-4.5 -lITKIOStimulate-4.5 -lITKIOTIFF-4.5 -lITKIOTransformBase-4.5 -lITKIOTransformHDF5-4.5 -lITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.5\

        -lITKIOTransformMatlab-4.5 -lITKIOVTK-4.5 -lITKIOXML-4.5 -litkjpeg-4.5 -lITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.5 -lITKLabelMap-4.5 -lITKMesh-4.5 -lITKMetaIO-4.5 -litkNetlibSlatec-4.5 -lITKniftiio-4.5\

        -lITKNrrdIO-4.5 -litkopenjpeg-4.5 -lITKOptimizers-4.5 -lITKPath-4.5 -litkpng-4.5 -lITKPolynomials-4.5 -lITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.5 -lITKSpatialObjects-4.5 -lITKStatistics-4.5\

        -litktiff-4.5 -litkv3p_lsqr-4.5 -litkv3p_netlib-4.5 -litkvcl-4.5 -lITKVideoCore-4.5 -lITKVideoIO-4.5 -litkvnl_algo-4.5 -litkvnl-4.5 -lITKVNLInstantiation-4.5 -lITKVTK-4.5\

        -lITKVtkGlue-4.5 -lITKWatersheds-4.5 -litkzlib-4.5 -lITKznz-4.5

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../ITK/include/ITK-4.5

DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../ITK/include/ITK-4.5

Sorry about the formatting.


Jothybasu K Selvaraj
Post Doctoral Fellow
Dept. of Radiotherapy
Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:04 PM, Barbara Post <bpo at eonix.be<mailto:bpo at eonix.be>> wrote:

I have to use Qt Creator as an IDE, and integrate ITK into the project I work on.

I use MSVC 2010 64 bit compiler. I compiled ITK with this compiler, without glitches. I installed ITK in C:\ITK.

However QMake doesn't want at all to find itkImage.h.

I'm surprised, since I checked what follows many times.

Here are the files of plain C++ project with Qt Creator, thank you for helping.

Qt Creator project file (.pro):

CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt

# ITK base directory
ITK = $(ITK)

# ITK headers base directory
ITK_INCLUDES = $${ITK}/include/ITK4-5

# ITK libs base directory
ITK_LIBS = $${ITK}/lib

# Pass information to Qmake (include path)

# Pass information to Qmake (lib path)
#    $${ITK_LIBS}

SOURCES += main.cpp


#include "itkImage.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
typedef itk::Image< unsigned short, 3 > ImageType;
ImageType::Pointer image = ImageType::New();
std::cout << "ITK Hello World !" << std::endl;
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