[Insight-users] Hello ITK with Qt Creator issue

Barbara Post bpo at eonix.be
Thu Feb 27 03:18:21 EST 2014

Hi Jothy,

OK I'm going to compile it with Module_ITKVtkGlue right now.

Do I need to enable another module ?

I'm looking right now for more information: I need to set VTK_DIR, so get VTK. I assume I need to build VTK or the source only contains required things? I'm a bit new to this :-)

Thank you,

Barbara POST

From: Jothybasu Selvaraj [mailto:jothybasu at gmail.com]
Sent: mercredi 26 février 2014 17:39
To: Barbara Post
Cc: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Hello ITK with Qt Creator issue

Then you don't get itkVTkGlue. You need to build ITK with VTK support.

Jothybasu K Selvaraj
Post Doctoral Fellow
Dept. of Radiotherapy
Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Barbara Post <bpo at eonix.be<mailto:bpo at eonix.be>> wrote:
No I didn't.

My CMake-GUI basic configuration:

BUILD_EXAMPLES : unchecked
BUILD_TESTING: unchecked
CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES: Debug;Release;MinSizeRel;RelWithDebInfo

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