[Insight-users] Some error happens : Failed to allocate memory for image

Jon Haitz Legarreta jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org
Fri Jan 10 04:19:26 EST 2014

Dear zhq,
I'd dare to say that evein if your image fits into your memory, you may
have multiple copies already in memory that prevent your last filter to
have enough room for it to run.

You may want to check the available meory before that step, or you may try
releasing the upstream filters' allocated memory turning on the
ReleaseDataFlag (ReleaseDataFlagOn).


On 10 January 2014 03:26, zhq <15891495523 at 126.com> wrote:

> Dear all :
>         Using the FastMarchingImageFilter to segment a vessel , I meet a
> error : Failed to allocate memory for image
>         I find the wrong place using try-catch :
> When the sentence : gradientMagnitude->Update(); is run , the error
> happens !
>         My computer's memory is 12G , and the volume data is : 512*512*390
>  . I believe the memory is enough ! And the code has successfully been run
> once using the other data .
>         Could somebody give me some advices ? Thanks vary much in advance !
> zhq
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