[Insight-users] [ITK Community] Importing Const Data Buffer

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Fri Jan 17 00:27:49 EST 2014

Hi Andrew,

Even with changing cast, on G++ in it not compile because of
initialization of a const array with new.

A const version of the image can be obtained with

ImageType::ConstPointer importedImage = importFilter->GetOutput();

Hopt this helps,

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Andrew Pound
<Andrew.Pound at aggiemail.usu.edu> wrote:
> I am working on an interface between some current data and ITK, and ran into
> an issue.
> When my data has const pixels, I hoped to obtain an itk::Image with const
> pixels also.  I was also looking for a shallow-copy-type solution, which led
> me to use the itkImportImageFilter.  But it won't compile, because of a
> casting problem down in the PrintSelf() function of the
> itkImportImageContainer.  Attached is a modified and stripped down copy of
> the example program Image5.cxx that exhibits the problem.
> The error is:
> 1> C:\itk\itkimportimagecontainer.hxx(220): error C2440: 'static_cast' :
> cannot convert from 'const unsigned char *const ' to 'void *'
> 1> Conversion loses qualifiers
> 1> C:\itk\itkimportimagecontainer.hxx(217) : while compiling class template
> member function 'void
> itk::ImportImageContainer<TElementIdentifier,TElement>::PrintSelf(std::ostream
> &,itk::Indent) const'
> 1> with
> 1> [
> 1> TElementIdentifier=unsigned long,
> 1> TElement=const unsigned char
> 1> ]
> The function that is referenced is in itkimportimagecontainer.hxx:
> template< typename TElementIdentifier, typename TElement >
> void
> ImportImageContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >
> ::PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const
> {
>   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
>   os << indent << "Pointer: " << static_cast< void * >( m_ImportPointer ) <<
> std::endl;
>   os << indent << "Container manages memory: "
>      << ( m_ContainerManageMemory ? "true" : "false" ) << std::endl;
>   os << indent << "Size: " << m_Size << std::endl;
>   os << indent << "Capacity: " << m_Capacity << std::endl;
> }
> I am currently compiling on Win64 using Visual Studio 2010 Professional.
> (But I also will be compiling this on G++ on both solaris and Linux...)
> Is this a bug that should be addressed? Or...
> Is there an easier way to do what I'd like to do?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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