[Insight-users] N4ITK running error

Shandra Gutierrez Diaz Shandra.GutierrezDiaz at UGent.be
Thu Jan 30 09:30:41 EST 2014

Hi Nick,

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I thought I was doing something wrong. I will try then with the ANTS version. 

On 30/01/2014, at 15:26, Nicholas Tustison wrote:

> Hi Shandra,
> I tried downloading the IJ code and it no longer works
> with the current ITK because of the numerous changes
> made to the core classes.  The only N4 program that I 
> continue to maintain is the ANTs version 
> http://stnava.github.io/ANTs/
> The program, N4.cxx, evolved into N4BiasFieldCorrection.cxx
> https://github.com/stnava/ANTs/blob/master/Examples/N4BiasFieldCorrection.cxx
> and I can run it just fine using your command line.
> [ntustison at d-172-25-171-144 Thu Jan 30 09:15:24] $ N4BiasFieldCorrection -d  2 -i t81slice.nii.gz -o t81sliceCorrect.nii.gz -s 4 -b [200] -c [50x50x50x50,0]
> Running N4 for 2-dimensional images.
> Mask not read.  Creating Otsu mask.
> Current level = 1
>   Iteration 1 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000515799 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 2 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000514015 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 3 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000512207 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 4 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000510627 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 5 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000508918 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 6 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000507124 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 7 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000505515 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 8 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000503797 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 9 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000502342 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 10 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000500771 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 11 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000499355 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 12 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000497954 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 13 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000496292 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 14 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000494926 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 15 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000493357 (threshold = 0)
>   Iteration 16 (of 50).   Current convergence value = 0.000491692 (threshold = 0)
> Nick

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