[ITK-users] Largest Connected Region

Michael Pinkert mpinkert at wisc.edu
Mon Jul 14 13:58:37 EDT 2014

Hi everyone,

I am using the Otsu algorithm as part of a pipeline to segment breast
images, but the results consistently have several holes and isolated regions
of noise, both of which are large problems I am looking to deal with.  I
intend to use morphological operators for the hole problem, but I have not
had luck finding a method to eliminate the isolated regions of noise while
preserving the remainder of the image.  

The breast is a connected region in the results, and the noise is always a
much smaller region.  Is there a filter that could obtain the largest
connected region from from a binary image, so that the breast may be
extracted and the noise removed?

I have looked at some of the various connected region algorithms, but they
require seeds in order to function, and I have not seen one that can
automatically isolate the largest connected region from a binary mask and
make it as an output.

If none of the existing filters work I intend to write a new one to do so,
but I thought it would be best to check first.  

Best regards,
Michael Pinkert

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