[ITK-users] Suggestions about Python wrapping of cpp project

Satyananda Kashyap ksatyananda at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 11:11:16 EDT 2014


I am looking for your expert opinions here. I have a relatively large C++
project I am working on which uses ITK mainly (hence the question here) and
to some extent VTK and OpenCV. I do think that my code is fairly well
written. I was thinking of wrapping my code to python using either SWIG or
boost.python. Here are my questions :

1. I am led to believe that prototyping and code development is much faster
in Python. Given that I have such a big cpp base code is it really worth
the effort to wrap into python and then continue there.

2. From what I have read ITK uses SWIG wrappings for wrapping into Python
while VTK uses the boost.python route. My initial attempts with both have
been relatively unsuccessful. Any opinion on which one is more user
friendly/better when I have to wrap my own custom classes which use a
combination of both ITK and VTK in them.

3. Any suggestion on a road map as to how to proceed. I am not sure at what
base class level I should wrap them and rewrite the dependencies in python.

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