[ITK-users] Suggestions about Python wrapping of cpp project

Satyananda Kashyap ksatyananda at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 00:22:36 EDT 2014

Thanks for your perspective Vincent.

One of my initial questions were about the productivity boost which you get
when using scripting languages. I am reasonably comfortable coding in C++
toolchain. From your experience do you really see a spike in productivity
when you shift over. Is it worth the effort ?

I think I will do some of the core development in C++ and expose them to
Python. I wanted to use the scripting side more for prototyping and testing


On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 10:18 PM, vincent ngai <vincent.ngai at gmail.com>

> I'm no expert, but previously when I worked on projects where we exposed
> almost all core functionalities via scripts, it seemed like a good
> initially, but what really happened is a shifting of complexities. Rather
> than have the complexity on the C++/Compiled codebase side shifted over to
> the scripts, in situation where you need to be able to change functionality
> without recompiling the source, or even have access to the source, scripts
> are the way to go. But shifting complexities to the runtime/script side has
> its own issues, I'm happy with the C/C++ toolchain maturity, Visual C++,
> GCC, GDB etc, you have very comprehensive debugging and editor facilities
> available for C++, but on the script side you have far less tools, and
> debugging may be a hassle.
> Also for scripts that are scoped by whitespace/tabs and are not strictly
> typed, we found that scripts exceeding 1/2 pages in length tend to be less
> maintainable, and the chances of nuking a whitespace or overwriting a
> variable gets higher.
> Just my 2 cents
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Satyananda Kashyap <
> ksatyananda at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am looking for your expert opinions here. I have a relatively large C++
>> project I am working on which uses ITK mainly (hence the question here) and
>> to some extent VTK and OpenCV. I do think that my code is fairly well
>> written. I was thinking of wrapping my code to python using either SWIG or
>> boost.python. Here are my questions :
>> 1. I am led to believe that prototyping and code development is much
>> faster in Python. Given that I have such a big cpp base code is it really
>> worth the effort to wrap into python and then continue there.
>> 2. From what I have read ITK uses SWIG wrappings for wrapping into Python
>> while VTK uses the boost.python route. My initial attempts with both have
>> been relatively unsuccessful. Any opinion on which one is more user
>> friendly/better when I have to wrap my own custom classes which use a
>> combination of both ITK and VTK in them.
>> 3. Any suggestion on a road map as to how to proceed. I am not sure at
>> what base class level I should wrap them and rewrite the dependencies in
>> python.
>> Thanks,
>> Regards,
>> Kashyap
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> --
> Regards,
> Vincent
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