[ITK-users] Starting with GPU development

Oscar Lazzarino oscar.lazzarino at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 16:23:57 EDT 2014


I'd like to experiment a bit with GPU/OpenCL computing, but I'm having some
troubles finding examples and documentation.

The ITK Software Guide mentions "GPU" exactly ZERO times.

I could not find any complete example on the wiki.

The reference documentation is there, but I can't even understand where to
start from.

Let's say I want to put the output on a reader into a GPUImage.

I can't just say MyGPUImageType::Pointer image = reader->getOutput()
because the output of a reader is NOT a GPU image.

How am I supposed to do that? Am I missing something?

Any info (or any pointer to any good info) is REALLY welcome :)


Oscar Lazzarino
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