[ITK-users] confusion on ITK object factory

Han D. F jlu_hdf at 126.com
Mon May 5 16:11:21 EDT 2014

Hi Itk users
I just checked the itk object factory code and have some confusions> I think ITK should be right and anyone can help explain it?

in the itkObjectFactoryBase.cxx
void ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterOverride(
const char* classOverride,
const char* subclass,
const char* description,
bool enableFlag,
CreateObjectFunctionBase* createFunction)
ObjectFactoryBase::OverrideInformation info;

info.m_Description= description;
info.m_OverrideWithName = subclass;
info.m_EnabledFlag= enableFlag;
info.m_CreateObject= createFunction;

m_OverrideMap->insert(OverRideMap::value_type(classOverride, info));

where m_OverrideMap->insert(OverRideMap::value_type(classOverride, info));. it will insert the classOverride to the m_OverrideMap not  subclass. I think classOverride should be the farther class and the subclass is the class we working.

in the ObjectFactoryBase::CreateObject(const char* classname) function there is one 
OverRideMap::iterator start = m_OverrideMap->lower_bound(classname);
OverRideMap::iterator end = m_OverrideMap->upper_bound(classname);
I think the parameter classname should be the class we working() the working class).

So, I think we need call functions like   
->RegisterOverride( ITK::Object, MyObject,....)

In this way OverRideMap::iterator start = m_OverrideMap->lower_bound(classname) can not get the MyObject position

so, m_OverrideMap->insert(OverRideMap::value_type(classOverride, info)); should be 
m_OverrideMap->insert(OverRideMap::value_type(subclass, info)); ???

I just have this confusion
If I explain the problem well?

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