[ITK-users] Multithreading of a pipeline

Mirco Serra mirco9091 at hotmail.it
Tue May 20 10:01:18 EDT 2014

Hi guys,
I need your help to better understand the multithreading in ITK. In fact, I'm trying to use it to speed up a pipeline that would take ages otherwise, but I keep getting errors. In particular, what I need to do is to extract an image from a 3D dataset (using ExtractImageFilter), apply a grayscale dilation (using GrayscaleDilateImageFilter) and then a thresholding (with BinaryThresholdImageFilter). This operation has to be repeated on all the axial images of the dataset, so I'm using a simple for loop along z. Since my datasets may be very big (up to 500 images), without using a multithread the system takes a very long time. Do you think a multithreading might help me reduce the computational time? Do you have any example I could follow fort that?
Many many thanks,Mirco 		 	   		  
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