[ITK-users] bug in imageIOFactory

Scott Pfeifer scottfivefour at gmail.com
Wed May 21 16:40:09 EDT 2014

the mutex is commented out, the starting_barrier ensures that all
threads start the read at about the same time.  If you uncomment the
mutex everything works as expected.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Jim Miller <millerjv at gmail.com> wrote:

> A bit odd. Note quite sure from your example why you need the barrier or
> the mutex.
> But since you are using a mutex, it would seem to me that only on
> ImageFileReader is executing at a time. As such, I wouldn't have expected
> any interactions between the ImageIO objects.
> Jim
> On May 21, 2014, at 3:46 PM, Scott Pfeifer <scottfivefour at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I have found what seems to be a bug in IOFactory which seems to be a
> threading issue.  I do not have a fix for it but I have a small program
> which reproduces the issue.  I will attach the files.
> The fix I have for the situation is to either put a mutex around all
> itkIamgeFileReader::Update()'s of assign the ioObject if I already know
> what sort of image I am dealing with.
> You will have to change the file names to some mhd files you have, if you
> need me to provide some I can do that.
> to make the problem go away here just uncomment line 24 or 32 in
> ItkTestThreadSupport.cpp
> I am running Itk 4.5.2 and boost 1.55
> If I can be of any assistance I would be happy to hel p- my stack trace
> looks like this
> H5MM_xfree()
> H5E_preintf_stack()
> H5E_clear_starck()
> isHdf5()
> HDF5ImageIO::CanReadFile()
> ImageIOFactory::CreateImageIO()>::GeneraterOutputInformation() line 116
> ImageFileReader<itk::image<short,3> itkDefaultConvertPixelTrats<short>
> ProcessObject::UpdateOutputInformation()
> ImageBase<3>::UpdateOutputInformation()
> DataObject::Update()
> ProcessObject::update()
> <itkLoadTestMain.cpp>
> <ItkTestThreadSupport.cpp>
> <ItkTestThreadSupport.h>
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