[ITK-users] read imageJ ROI to matlab

Jerome Plumat j.plumat at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Nov 19 23:01:14 EST 2014

An other solution would be to use 3D-Slicer. You can export ROIs as VTK 
mesh or binary mask with a large list of formats (Tif, mha, ... ).

Jerome Plumat
School of Medical Sciences
University of Auckland

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what an I? And if not now when? – Hillel HaZaken

On 20/11/14 10:44, WangPing wrote:
> Dear list,
> I am sorry I am not sure if I could ask a different question:
> does anyone know how to read an ROI from ImageJ to matlab?  Or how to 
> save the ImageJ ROI to a file (such as nifti format)?
> Best Regards,
> ping
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