[ITK-users] minimize skewing

Hammond, Emily M emily-hammond at uiowa.edu
Mon Nov 24 13:41:08 EST 2014

Thank you for your suggestion. It has been helpful!

I have implemented the ScaleVersor3DTransform and have received results. However, every time the rotation is much larger causing terrible results. Here is an example of a final transform received.

scaleVersorTransform information:
   Rotation: [ -0.606402, 0.792956, 0.0591457, 1.41421e-005 ]
   Translation: [9.16674, -1.28393, -17.1493]
   Scale: [4.08189, 1.52688, 2.35832]

I haven't had much experience with versors, but I went through the calculations from a previous mailing list email (http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/insight-users/2009-March/029584.html) and got a very very large rotation that is occurring (as is seen in the resulting image). Is there any reason that I may be getting such a large, unrealistic rotation?

Here is how I've set up my optimizer:

typedef itk::RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer GDOptimizerType;
GDOptimizerType::Pointer gdOptimizer = GDOptimizerType::New();

// set up optimizer
gdOptimizer->SetNumberOfIterations( 200 );
gdOptimizer->SetRelaxationFactor( 0.9 );
gdOptimizer->SetMinimumStepLength( 0.001 );
gdOptimizer->SetMaximumStepLength( 5.0 );
gdOptimizer->SetGradientMagnitudeTolerance( 0.001 );

// initialize optimizer scales
typedef GDOptimizerType::ScalesType OptimizerScalesType;
OptimizerScalesType optimizerScales( scaleVersorTransform->GetNumberOfParameters() );
// rotation
const double rotationScale = 1.0/10000.0;
optimizerScales[0] = rotationScale;
optimizerScales[1] = rotationScale;
optimizerScales[2] = rotationScale;
// translation
const double translationScale = 1.0/1000.0;
optimizerScales[3] = translationScale;
optimizerScales[4] = translationScale;
optimizerScales[5] = translationScale;
// scaling
const double scalingScale = 1.0/100.0;
optimizerScales[6] = scalingScale;
optimizerScales[7] = scalingScale;
optimizerScales[8] = scalingScale;
// set scales
gdOptimizer->SetScales( optimizerScales );

Any advice would be great!

Emily Hammond

From: Bradley Lowekamp [blowekamp at mail.nih.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:52 PM
To: Hammond, Emily M
Cc: insight users
Subject: Re: [ITK-users] minimize skewing


For 3D you might want to look into the ScaleVersor3DTransform or the ScaleSkewVersor3DTransform. These may parameterize the transform as you wish.


On Nov 19, 2014, at 11:56 AM, Hammond, Emily M <emily-hammond at uiowa.edu<mailto:emily-hammond at uiowa.edu>> wrote:

Hello all,

I am looking perform registration allowing for translation, rotation and anisotropic scaling. Is there a way to use the affine transform but limit the skewing performed? Or is there an alternative method to do this.

Emily Hammond
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