[ITK-users] [Paraview] compile itk (VTKGlue ON) with vtk from paraview

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Thu Apr 2 17:18:22 EDT 2015

Hi Roman,

The VTK version that ParaView uses does change often, but to build
against ParaView's VTK, the best result will still be obtained from
building VTK independently, then building ParaView and any other
dependencies, like ITK, against that version of VTK. To find the
version of VTK that ParaView is using,

  cd ~/src/ParaView
  git submodule status VTK

The process to build will then be something like

  cd ~/bin/VTK
  cmake ~/src/VTK

  cd ~/bin/ITK
  cmake -DVTK_DIR=~/bin/VTK -DModule_ITKVtkGlue=ON ~/src/ITK

  cd ~/bin/ParaView
  cmake -DVTK_DIR=~/bin/VTK -DUSE_EXTERNAL_VTK:BOOL=ON ~/src/ParaView


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