[ITK-users] ITK Python wrapping

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon Aug 24 11:08:22 EDT 2015

Hi Fabio,

> - Well, I have a ITKPyBasePython.pyc file in the ITK lib (and the things you told me to check are allright). So the difference is that the name has no underscore _ITKPyBasePython (as reported in the error) and the extension is pyc rather than pyd (although I have read it should not make the difference). Are those things relevant? If yes, how to correct for them? Maybe the dlls were not properly compiled so the underscore is missing?

Both the .pyc and the .pyd files are required.

> Depending on your reply to this email, I will then try to build ITK with Python wrapping again so that I can report the compilation failures I got regarding CastXML.

Great, thank you.  A Release build instead of a Debug build is
recommended -- build size and runtime performance are greatly
improved.  There is on going work to substantially decrease the
wrapping build time in ITK Git master, but it is currently unstable.
The 4.8.0 release is recommended until that is resolved.

> About the symbolic link, I just read on the guide "ln -s /path/to/ITK-Wrapped/Wrapping/Generators/Python/WrapITK.pth" and went to find out what ln -s was ... but you are right, the guide says to copy the file, so I guess you don't have improve this part. Maybe just specifiy that there is no need to download Swig.

Thanks for the feedback.  We will improve the wrapping process description.

> Thank you, I have spent 5 long days already with no success on this issue (which seems to me a very common issue for users willing to use the Python wrapping, from my extensive google search).

Yes, wrapping has been difficult in the past, but things are changing.
With your help, it will improve even quicker :-).


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