[ITK-users] CenteredTransformInitializer Python Wrapping

Sami Koho sami.koho at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 05:38:45 EDT 2015

Hello again,

I fixed the wrapping issue. I thought that I might submit a patch to ITK, but I have a question. I am using the ITK version 4.8.0, which I obtained with a checkout from the GIT repository. Is it totally fine that I create the Patch for the 4.8.0 release, or should I switch to the main branch? 



> On 27 Aug 2015, at 09:14, Sami Koho <sami.koho at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to convert a registration method that I have to use the CenteredSimilarity2DTransform instead of the CenteredRigid2DTransform in Python. There seems to be a problem however, as the CenteredTransformInitializer in Python only seems to work with the rigid transforms now. The wrapping file looks like this:
> itk_wrap_include("itkVersorRigid3DTransform.h")
> itk_wrap_include("itkCenteredRigid2DTransform.h")
> itk_wrap_class("itk::CenteredTransformInitializer" POINTER)
>     itk_wrap_filter_dims(d 3)
>     if(d)
>         foreach(t ${WRAP_ITK_SCALAR})
>           itk_wrap_template("VR3DT${ITKM_D}${ITKM_I${t}${d}}${ITKM_I${t}${d}}" "itk::VersorRigid3DTransform< ${ITKT_D} >,${ITKT_I${t}${d}},${ITKT_I${t}${d}}")
>         endforeach()
>     endif(d)
>     itk_wrap_filter_dims(d 2)
>     if(d)
>         foreach(t ${WRAP_ITK_SCALAR})
>           itk_wrap_template("CR2DT${ITKM_D}${ITKM_I${t}${d}}${ITKM_I${t}${d}}" "itk::CenteredRigid2DTransform< ${ITKT_D} >,${ITKT_I${t}${d}},${ITKT_I${t}${d}}")
>         endforeach()
>     endif(d)
> itk_end_wrap_class()
> How would I go about fixing this? Should I just add a new line, like:
>  itk_wrap_template("CS2DT${ITKM_D}${ITKM_I${t}${d}}${ITKM_I${t}${d}}" "itk::CenteredSimilarity2DTransform< ${ITKT_D} >,${ITKT_I${t}${d}},${ITKT_I${t}${d}}")
> inside the if(d)...endif(d) for the 2D images? I could of course just try, but I thought to ask, as compilation always takes a while with the Python wrapping :-)
> Best,
> Sami

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