[ITK-users] Management of big datasets

gmail elena.bresciani87 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 03:44:48 EST 2015

Hi everybody,

I’m having issues with a project that requires using 3D datasets up to 4-5 GB without subsampling. 
The pipeline is something like this:

ImageFileReader -> IntensityWindowingImageFilterType -> MedianImageFilter -> ScalarImageKmeansImageFilter -> RelabelComponentImageFilter -> RescaleIntensityImageFilter -> ImageSeriesWriter

I was getting std::bad_alloc error but I solved this problem with  -> ReleaseDataFlagOn() for each filter of the pipeline. 

My code runs well till the end and all the images of the output stack are written but after only 170 images (of a total of 1990) are written correctly whilst the others have only black pixels.

Any guess on what could be the problem? Maybe I should use ImageFileWriter instead of ImageSeriesWriter?

Best regards

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