[ITK-users] ITK 4.8 build problem

Tim Allman dr.tim.allman at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 10:40:27 EDT 2015


The problem is that for ccmake and cmake-gui the area in which these 
flags are set is absolutely blank. There is nowhere to set this before 
the first configuration is done.


On 15-07-22 10:23 AM, Matt McCormick wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> The try_compile checks ("Looking for C++ include tr1/type_traits",
> etc), occur on the first CMake configuration run, then are cached for
> efficiency on further runs.  Therefore, make sure that
> CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-stdlib=libstdc++ is set before the initial run.
> HTH,
> Matt
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Tim Allman <dr.tim.allman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to build ITK-4.8.0 on OSX using Xcode 6.2 and CMake 3.3.0-rc4.
>> What I need to do is build it with CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = -stdlib=libstdc++ so as
>> to use the GNU C++ library. The problem is that during the initial CMake
>> configuration it is assumed that libc++ will be used and this leads to the
>> following bit of output:
>> Looking for C++ include tr1/type_traits
>> Looking for C++ include tr1/type_traits - not found
>> Looking for C++ include type_traits
>> Looking for C++ include type_traits - found
>> This shows up in itkConfigure.h like this:
>> // defined if the system has <tr1/type_traits> header
>> /* #undef ITK_HAS_STLTR1_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS */
>> // defined if the system has <type_traits> header
>> // defined if std type traits are with C++11 ( no tr1 namespace )
>> If I set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = -stdlib=libstdc++ the compiler seems to
>> understand what I want and uses the GNU headers. The problem is that the
>> #define  derails the compilation in itkImageAlgorithm.h on the second line
>> below because it is looking for the wrong file.
>> #  include <type_traits>
>> #elif defined ITK_HAS_STLTR1_TR1_TYPE_TRAITS
>> #  include <tr1/type_traits>
>> #else
>> #  include "itkIsSame.h"
>> #endif
>> Leading to the error:
>> /Users/tim/devel/InsightToolkit-4.8.0/Modules/Core/Common/include/itkImageAlgorithm.h:24:12:
>> fatal error: 'type_traits' file not found
>> #  include <type_traits>
>> Is there any way of telling CMake that it's first guess of which C++ library
>> I want to use is wrong?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Tim Allman, Ph.D.
>> 35 Margaret Street,
>> Guelph Ontario N1E 5R6
>> Canada
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Tim Allman, Ph.D.
35 Margaret Street,
Guelph Ontario N1E 5R6

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