[ITK-users] Computational time of fast marching

Lin M majcjc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 12:10:43 EDT 2015

Hi guys.

I'm using fast marching to compute the distance map, but the time of
computation is much slower than I expected. Is it normal to cost about
250secs for a 512*512*365 image? I'm using the released mode.

My process is like this:
1. initialize a binary image (alive image) where segmented target is set to
1, the rest is set to 0
2. initialize the trial image where the neighbourhood of alive image is set
to 1, the rest is set to 0
3. give the two images to the adaptor and set the alive value and the trial
value both to 1
4. run fast marching

Do you have any ideas about that or some suggestions to improve the
performance. Thank you very much!

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