[ITK-users] [ANNOUNCE] ITK 4.7.2 has been released!

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Mon May 4 09:50:09 EDT 2015

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit Community, we are happy to announce
the release of ITK 4.7.2!

Release files can be downloaded from:


This is a patch release that fixes critical issues, regressions,
important documentation, and compiler support. The 4.7.2 release
addresses use of the LevelSetsv4 framework with libc++, which is now
the default C++ standard library when building with MacOSX Xcode.  A
long standing convergence bug in the LBFGSB optimizer has been
resolved.  Improved support for building with VTK 6.2.0 and VTK Git
master was also added. A number of other issues were addressed -- see
the changelog below for details.

Congratulations and thanks to everyone who contributed to this
release. Questions and comments are welcome on the ITK mailing lists.
The next feature release of 4.8.0 is scheduled for the end of June,
and it will feature many exciting enhancements!

Enjoy ITK!

Changes from v4.7.1 to v4.7.2:

 Arnaud Gelas (2):
    COMP: fix warning with non default template parameter for OutputImage
    BUG: fix BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter with negative OutputBackgroundValue

 Bill Lorensen (1):
    COMP: Only require the minimal VTK modules

 Bradley Lowekamp (4):
    BUG: Move LBFGSB callback helper to parent
    BUG: Update AmoebaOptimizer NumberOfIterations
    BUG: Use base's NumberOfIterations for stopping condition
    BUG: Correct convergence string check

 Gaëtan Lehmann (1):
    BUG: fix runtime information for cross correlation filters

 Hans Johnson (1):
    COMP: VTK and ITK H5 build program collision

 Jon Haitz Legarreta (1):
    ENH: Increase code coverage for itkCustomColormapFunction

 Matthew McCormick (9):
    BUG: Export ITK_FFTW_INCLUDE_PATH as CMake path.
    COMP: Fix LevelSetsv4 tests with libc++.
    BUG: Set ITK_BUILD_SHARED in ITKConfig.cmake on Windows.
    COMP: Address quoted MSVC variable in GDCM.
    COMP: Remove duplicate InternalLabelType typedef.
    BUG: Link to VTK 6 rendering backend modules.
    BUG: Add VTK modules for annotation rendering.
    BUG: Link vtkRenderingFreeType in the VTK modules.

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