[ITK-users] SimpleITK | BinaryMorphologicalClosing, filter noise

Wookyung An aqualiquid1 at gmail.com
Thu May 7 11:10:42 EDT 2015

Hi ITK users,

I am pretty fresh of SimpleItk. I tried to use BinaryMorphologicalClosing
to filter some noises that are smaller than the structuring element. I
noticed that the default kernel type is "ball" which is ok. However, after
I applied the function, there is no change at all.
For example, I tried to filter which smaller than 10(radius).

*after_morp = SimpleITK.BinaryMorphologicalClosing(binarized_img, 10); *

But I found that nothing changed at all. Do you have any idea what was the

Thank you in advance.
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