[ITK-users] [Possible spam detected by TrendMicro]RE: Building QT, VTK and ITK on windows 7 (x64)
Khojaste, Amir
amir.khojaste at sunnybrook.ca
Fri May 15 09:34:33 EDT 2015
Hi Chasank and thanks for your answer,
Yes I did and I have checked it several times. Here is my ".pro" contents:
# Project created by QtCreator 2015-05-14T15:50:25
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
SOURCES += main.cpp\
HEADERS += mainwindow.h
FORMS += mainwindow.ui
DEFINES += "vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT=4(vtkInteractionStyle,vtkRenderingFreeType,vtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL,vtkRenderingOpenGL)"
DEFINES += "vtkRenderingVolume_AUTOINIT=1(vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL)"
win32: LIBS += "advapi32.lib" "ws2_32.lib" "Rpcrt4.lib"
win32: LIBS += -LC:/vtk/x64/6.0.0/install/lib \
-lvtkChartsCore-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonColor-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonComputationalGeometry-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonCore-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonDataModel-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonExecutionModel-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonMath-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonMisc-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonSystem-6.0 \
-lvtkCommonTransforms-6.0 \
-lvtkDICOMParser-6.0 \
-lvtkDomainsChemistry-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersAMR-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersCore-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersExtraction-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersFlowPaths-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersGeneral-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersGeneric-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersGeometry-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersHybrid-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersHyperTree-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersImaging-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersModeling-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersParallel-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersParallelImaging-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersProgrammable-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersSelection-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersSources-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersStatistics-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersTexture-6.0 \
-lvtkFiltersVerdict-6.0 \
-lvtkGUISupportQt-6.0 \
-lvtkGUISupportQtOpenGL-6.0 \
-lvtkGeovisCore-6.0 \
-lvtkIOAMR-6.0 \
-lvtkIOCore-6.0 \
-lvtkIOEnSight-6.0 \
-lvtkIOExodus-6.0 \
-lvtkIOExport-6.0 \
-lvtkIOGeometry-6.0 \
-lvtkIOImage-6.0 \
-lvtkIOImport-6.0 \
-lvtkIOInfovis-6.0 \
-lvtkIOLSDyna-6.0 \
-lvtkIOLegacy-6.0 \
-lvtkIOMINC-6.0 \
-lvtkIOMovie-6.0 \
-lvtkIONetCDF-6.0 \
-lvtkIOPLY-6.0 \
-lvtkIOParallel-6.0 \
-lvtkIOSQL-6.0 \
-lvtkIOVideo-6.0 \
-lvtkIOXML-6.0 \
-lvtkIOXMLParser-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingColor-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingCore-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingFourier-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingGeneral-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingHybrid-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingMath-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingMorphological-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingSources-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingStatistics-6.0 \
-lvtkImagingStencil-6.0 \
-lvtkInfovisCore-6.0 \
-lvtkInfovisLayout-6.0 \
-lvtkInteractionImage-6.0 \
-lvtkInteractionStyle-6.0 \
-lvtkInteractionWidgets-6.0 \
-lvtkNetCDF-6.0 \
-lvtkNetCDF_cxx-6.0 \
-lvtkParallelCore-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingAnnotation-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingContext2D-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingCore-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingFreeType-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingGL2PS-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingHybridOpenGL-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingImage-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingLOD-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingLabel-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingOpenGL-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingVolume-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingVolumeAMR-6.0 \
-lvtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL-6.0 \
-lvtkViewsContext2D-6.0 \
-lvtkViewsCore-6.0 \
-lvtkViewsGeovis-6.0 \
-lvtkViewsInfovis-6.0 \
-lvtkalglib-6.0 \
-lvtkexoIIc-6.0 \
-lvtkexpat-6.0 \
-lvtkfreetype-6.0 \
-lvtkftgl-6.0 \
-lvtkgl2ps-6.0 \
-lvtkhdf5-6.0 \
-lvtkhdf5_hl-6.0 \
-lvtkjpeg-6.0 \
-lvtkjsoncpp-6.0 \
-lvtklibxml2-6.0 \
-lvtkmetaio-6.0 \
-lvtkoggtheora-6.0 \
-lvtkpng-6.0 \
-lvtkproj4-6.0 \
-lvtksqlite-6.0 \
-lvtksys-6.0 \
-lvtktiff-6.0 \
-lvtkverdict-6.0 \
INCLUDEPATH += C:/vtk/x64/6.0.0/install/include/vtk-6.0
DEPENDPATH += C:/vtk/x64/6.0.0/install/include/vtk-6.0
win32: LIBS += -LC:/ITK/x64/4.4.0/install/lib \
-lITKBiasCorrection-4.4 \
-lITKBioCell-4.4 \
-lITKCommon-4.4 \
-lITKDICOMParser-4.4 \
-litkdouble-conversion-4.4 \
-lITKEXPAT-4.4 \
-lITKFEM-4.4 \
-litkgdcmCommon-4.4 \
-litkgdcmDICT-4.4 \
-litkgdcmDSED-4.4 \
-litkgdcmIOD-4.4 \
-litkgdcmjpeg12-4.4 \
-litkgdcmjpeg16-4.4 \
-litkgdcmjpeg8-4.4 \
-litkgdcmMSFF-4.4 \
-lITKgiftiio-4.4 \
-litkhdf5-4.4 \
-litkhdf5_cpp-4.4 \
-lITKIOBioRad-4.4 \
-lITKIOBMP-4.4 \
-lITKIOCSV-4.4 \
-lITKIOGE-4.4 \
-lITKIOHDF5-4.4 \
-lITKIOImageBase-4.4 \
-lITKIOIPL-4.4 \
-lITKIOLSM-4.4 \
-lITKIOMesh-4.4 \
-lITKIOMeta-4.4 \
-lITKIOPNG-4.4 \
-lITKIOSiemens-4.4 \
-lITKIOSpatialObjects-4.4 \
-lITKIOStimulate-4.4 \
-lITKIOTransformBase-4.4 \
-lITKIOTransformHDF5-4.4 \
-lITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-4.4 \
-lITKIOTransformMatlab-4.4 \
-lITKIOVTK-4.4 \
-lITKIOXML-4.4 \
-litkjpeg-4.4 \
-lITKKLMRegionGrowing-4.4 \
-lITKLabelMap-4.4 \
-lITKMesh-4.4 \
-lITKMetaIO-4.4 \
-litkNetlibSlatec-4.4 \
-lITKniftiio-4.4 \
-lITKNrrdIO-4.4 \
-litkopenjpeg-4.4 \
-lITKOptimizers-4.4 \
-lITKOptimizersv4-4.4 \
-lITKPath-4.4 \
-litkpng-4.4 \
-lITKPolynomials-4.4 \
-lITKQuadEdgeMesh-4.4 \
-lITKReview-4.4 \
-lITKSpatialObjects-4.4 \
-lITKStatistics-4.4 \
-litksys-4.4 \
-litktiff-4.4 \
-litkv3p_lsqr-4.4 \
-litkv3p_netlib-4.4 \
-litkvcl-4.4 \
-lITKVideoCore-4.4 \
-lITKVideoIO-4.4 \
-litkvnl-4.4 \
-lITKVNLInstantiation-4.4 \
-litkvnl_algo-4.4 \
-lITKVTK-4.4 \
-lITKVtkGlue-4.4 \
-lITKWatersheds-4.4 \
-litkzlib-4.4 \
INCLUDEPATH += C:/ITK/x64/4.4.0/install/include/ITK-4.4
DEPENDPATH += C:/ITK/x64/4.4.0/install/include/ITK-4.4
Do you see anything that I might have been missing?
Thanks for your answer again,
-----Original Message-----
From: Insight-users [mailto:insight-users-bounces at itk.org] On Behalf Of chasank
Sent: May-14-15 5:50 PM
To: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [ITK-users] Building QT, VTK and ITK on windows 7 (x64)
Hi Amir,
Nothing seems wrong with your code as it is hello world of ITK. The problem is linker error. Are you sure that you have added the line -litksys-4.4 to your .pro file?
Check your C:/itk/x64/4.4.0/install/lib/ folder carefully.
Execute >dir *.lib command. Get the output to an text editor.
Make the necessary replaces to convert the output following pattern.
-litkBiasCorrection-4.4 \
-litkBioCell-4.4 \
Make sure you are not missing any of these files.
View this message in context: http://itk-users.7.n7.nabble.com/Building-QT-VTK-and-ITK-on-windows-7-x64-tp35668p35673.html
Sent from the ITK - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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