[ITK-users] Definition of ITK orientation code

Mihail Isakov mihail.isakov at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 12 10:37:15 EST 2015

> Be aware that 'right to left' in this sense is the patient's right and left.

 yes, thank you, changed a little to clarify this

"The orientation code maps the voxel coordinate system I (column) J
(row) K (slice) to right-handed coordinate system X Y Z.
Minor rank notation is used, characters R, L, A, P, I, S identify
'from' direction.

RAI means:
X: patient Right to left
Y: patient Anterior to  posterior
Z: patient Inferior to superior

Note: sometimes major rank notation ('to') is used, the same
coordinate system may be called DICOM LPS or Nrrd
left-posterior-superior (right to Left, anterior to Posterior,
inferior to Superior)."



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