[ITK-users] [ITK] CorrelationImageToImageMetricv4 returns with very low correlation values

Andrew Harris aharr8 at uwo.ca
Wed Aug 17 14:52:08 EDT 2016

I am attempting to register two 3D images using the
CorrelationImageToImageMetricv4, the LBFGSBOptimizer, and a
3DVersorRigidRegistration. Even if I put the same volumes in to the
registration for both the fixed and moving image, I get a very low value
for correlation.  One thought I had was I might be setting the origins
incorrectly, as previously in the project the origin was defined as the
centre of the image cubes and I have attempted to stay with that
convention, and I haven’t found an example in the ITK examples where the
origin is set to something other than 0.  The other issue might be that the
original data is a char array so I had to create a cast filter to change
the image to floats, and the origins might be getting confused between the
two. If anyone has any thoughts they would be welcome, I can provide source
code if that would be helpful.




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