[ITK-users] ITK, VTK and QT crash

Dženan Zukić dzenanz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 14:47:46 EST 2016

Hi Abdelkhalek,

you have to be a lot more specific than that. How big are the files? 2GB,
or 102GB? In which file/line does the crash finally manifest? Can you trace
where the original exception occurred? Is it in ITK, VTK or Qt code? What
is the error message? Try to produce a minimum working example (MWE), so we
can take a look at it and offer help.


On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Abdelkhalek Bakkari <
bakkari.abdelkhalek at hotmail.fr> wrote:

> Hi !
> I have a problem using ITK, VTK and QT. When I tried to load a big data of
> Dicom images some functions into my interface does not working and the
> application crashed.
> Can you help me, please ?
> Abdelkhalek Bakkari
> Ph.D candidate in Computer Science
> Institute of Applied Computer Science
> Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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