[ITK-users] [ITK] itk::CastImageFilter causes AccessViolationException

Bradley Lowekamp brad at lowekamp.net
Tue Jul 26 19:09:52 EDT 2016


The most common mistake here would be forgetting to call Allocate on your image. Beyond that sharing your code would be helpful. 


> On Jul 26, 2016, at 1:43 PM, Andrew Harris <aharr8 at uwo.ca> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am attempting to use the CastImageFilter to convert between unsigned char and float image types, and am getting a System.AccessViolationException at runtime.  I have seen reference to this being caused by referring to a pointer that is out of scope, but in this case both the image and the cast filter are delcared in the same method, so I’m not sure how it can be going out of scope.  I can include the header and definition files if that would be helpful.
> --
> AH
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