[ITK-users] Strange coordinates output by itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter

沈庄明 zhuangming.shen at sphic.org.cn
Tue Mar 15 20:45:56 EDT 2016

Hi Dženan,

Thank you for your prompt response. I found I made a mistake in my code. It works correctly now. Thanks again.


Zhuangming Shen

From: Dženan Zukić <dzenanz at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 2:41 AM
To: 沈庄明
Cc: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [ITK-users] Strange coordinates output by itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter

Hi Shen,

using a recent version of ITK<https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK/commit/90b04fba49007c300caba06f796fff6976424c40> (and using the attached C++ version of your code) I could not reproduce this problem. For me the output is:
[197, 378]
[196, 378]
[195, 379]
[194, 379]
[193, 379]
[192, 380]
[191, 380]
[190, 380]
[189, 380]
[188, 380]
[187, 381]


On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 11:00 PM, 沈庄明 <zhuangming.shen at sphic.org.cn<mailto:zhuangming.shen at sphic.org.cn>> wrote:

Hi all,

I used itk::ContourExtractor2DImageFilter to extract contours from a binary image (i.e. only 0 or 255 for pixel intensity). Mostly, the code can work correctly. However, the code sometimes outputs very strange coordinates (e.g. (194.0, 5.36011819173e-320) ), which should represent the path of the contour. When I change the contour value from 0 to other number no less than 255 (i.e. 250), I got more strange coordinates. My code and results are listed as below. Has anyone met the same situation?​


Zhuangming Shen

Here is my code


import itk

reader = itk.ImageFileReader[itk.Image.UC2].New()

contour_extractor = itk.ContourExtractor2DImageFilter[itk.Image.UC2].New()

contour_number = contour_extractor.GetNumberOfOutputs()

print("There are "+str(contour_number)+" contours")

for k in xrange(contour_number):
    print("================  Contour "+str(k)+" ================")

    point_number = contour_extractor.GetOutput(k).GetVertexList().Size()
    print("Point number: "+str(point_number))

    for i in xrange(point_number):

Here is my results


There are 2 contours
================  Contour 0 ================
Point number: 670
================  Contour 1 ================
Point number: 677

Here is the input test.nii

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