[ITK-users] itk::RayCastInterpolateImageFunction for ITK Python Wrap

Lowekamp, Bradley (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C] blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Mon Mar 28 09:52:10 EDT 2016


Sorry I dropped the ball on following up this problem from that patch.

I just quickly submitted my current WIP, with some comments on my experiments and observations of the situation [1].

If anyone can chime in on the portable way to declare and define "static const" integers with inline initialization it would be appreciated.


[1] http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/20946/

From: Matt McCormick [matt.mccormick at kitware.com]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 9:12 AM
To: Michka Popoff
Cc: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [ITK-users] itk::RayCastInterpolateImageFunction for ITK Python    Wrap


Yes, good idea to check the dashboard.  This is a known issue related
to recent development, probably this patch:


I will start a Windows build to investigate.


Make sure to also have BUILD_TESTING turned off on your build.  All
Visual Studio wrapping builds should be markedly faster after we merge
this patch:



On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 5:58 AM, Michka Popoff <michkapopoff at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just looked at our buildbots, this problem is also popping up here:
> https://open.cdash.org/viewBuildError.php?buildid=4297981
> The errors are similar. We will have to fix them.
> Matt, do you have an idea what that could be ?
> I will not have time to setup a Windows build anytime soon.
> Michka
>> On 27 Mar 2016, at 21:41, D'Isidoro Fabio <fisidoro at ethz.ch> wrote:
>> Thank you.
>> I downloaded ITK with Git from: http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Git and built it with Visual Studio and the ITK_WRAP_PYTHON option (I had one this procedure many times already before). Unfortunately my build (8 hours on my laptop, without BUILD_EXAMPLES) was unsuccessful. Apparently there are mistakes related to itk:NumericTraits (see below a part of it):
>> ...
>> $NumericTraits at H@itk@@2HB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static unsigned int const itk::NumericTraits<unsigned int>::Zero" (?Zero@?$NumericTraits at I@itk@@2IB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static unsigned int const itk::NumericTraits<unsigned int>::One" (?One@?$NumericTraits at I@itk@@2IB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static long const itk::NumericTraits<long>::Zero" (?Zero@?$NumericTraits at J@itk@@2JB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static long const itk::NumericTraits<long>::One" (?One@?$NumericTraits at J@itk@@2JB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static bool const itk::NumericTraits<bool>::Zero" (?Zero@?$NumericTraits at _N@itk@@2_NB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static bool const itk::NumericTraits<bool>::One" (?One@?$NumericTraits at _N@itk@@2_NB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static unsigned long const itk::NumericTraits<unsigned long>::Zero" (?Zero@?$NumericTraits at K@itk@@2KB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>ITKCommon-4.10.lib(itkNumericTraits.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: static unsigned long const itk::NumericTraits<unsigned long>::One" (?One@?$NumericTraits at K@itk@@2KB) already defined in itkAbsImageFilterPython.obj
>> 503>     Creating library C:/Users/difabio/ITK_49_Wrap/lib/Release/ITKImageIntensityPython.lib and object C:/Users/difabio/ITK_49_Wrap/lib/Release/ITKImageIntensityPython.exp
>> 503>C:\Users\difabio\ITK_49_Wrap\lib\Release\_ITKImageIntensityPython.pyd : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
>> 529>------ Build started: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
>> 529>  Building Custom Rule C:/Users/difabio/ITK/CMakeLists.txt
>> 529>  CMake does not need to re-run because C:\Users\difabio\ITK_49_Wrap\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date.
>> ========== Build: 452 succeeded, 77 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
>> In my Cmake build configuration, I remember I added the data type "double" and maybe also "unsigned float" to the standard ones. May this be the problem?
>> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michka Popoff [mailto:michkapopoff at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Sonntag, 27. März 2016 11:20
>> To: Matt McCormick
>> Cc: D'Isidoro Fabio; insight-users at itk.org
>> Subject: Re: [ITK-users] itk::RayCastInterpolateImageFunction for ITK Python Wrap
>> Patch has been merged. You should now be able to use it.
>> Thanks Matt for the quick review.
>> Michka
>>> On 27 Mar 2016, at 03:59, Matt McCormick <matt.mccormick at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here are some pointers to relevant documentation:
>>> How to add wrapping for a filter:
>>> http://itk.org/ITKSoftwareGuide/html/Book1/ITKSoftwareGuide-Book1ch9.h
>>> tml#x50-1500009.5
>>> How to perform a review:
>>> https://insightsoftwareconsortium.github.io/ITKBarCamp-doc/CommunitySo
>>> ftwareProcess/PerformAGerritReview/index.html
>>> How to download ITK with Git: http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Git
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Matt
>>> On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 2:41 PM, Michka Popoff <michkapopoff at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I can notify you once it is merged to the master branch of ITK.
>>>> This should be fast (as soon as it gets reviewed).
>>>> Wrapping new functions/classes is made by adding a .wrap file in the
>>>> corresponding “wrapping" folder of the module.
>>>> I often just copy-paste a similar .wrap file an adapt it. There are
>>>> sometimes some surprise, and the .wrap file needs to be tweaked.
>>>> Not sure if we have a guide on how to do it.
>>>> Some cases like this one are really easy to implement, some others
>>>> are more involved.
>>>> Once the patch is merged, you will need to build ITK from source.
>>>> This is pretty easy:
>>>> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Configuring_and_Building
>>>> We can assist you if there are problems.
>>>> Writing your own filter in Python is doable; but I never tried such thing.
>>>> It would be a nice proof-of-concept to get something like this to run.
>>>> But this is probably more work than it is worth.
>>>> If you can wait a few days until the patch is merged, and are willing
>>>> to build ITK from source, the python solution is probably the easiest.
>>>> Michka
>>>> On 26 Mar 2016, at 19:27, D'Isidoro Fabio <fisidoro at ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your reply.
>>>> I miss the skills to test/review that patch. I do not know how to
>>>> wrap a C++ code to Python. Is there any relatively easy guide for it?
>>>> Also, what are my possibilities now? Writing my own RayCasting Filter
>>>> in Python and possibly use it as interpolator for the
>>>> ResampleImageFilter Filter? Or necessarily turn to C++ forgetting about Python?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> From: Michka Popoff [mailto:michkapopoff at gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: Samstag, 26. März 2016 19:16
>>>> To: D'Isidoro Fabio
>>>> Cc: insight-users at itk.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [ITK-users] itk::RayCastInterpolateImageFunction for ITK
>>>> Python Wrap
>>>> Hi
>>>> The function was not wrapped at all.
>>>> Most of them are, and the remaining are added slowly, mostly
>>>> on-demand (for the moment).
>>>> I made a patch which you can test/review here:
>>>> http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/20945/
>>>> We can probably add it to the 4.9.1 release; else it will land in the
>>>> ITK
>>>> 4.10 release.
>>>> Michka
>>>> On 26 Mar 2016, at 17:13, D'Isidoro Fabio <fisidoro at ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>> Hallo,
>>>> I am trying to implement my own Digital Radiograph Reconstruction
>>>> algorithm with ITK v 4.8 Python Wrap. I have looked on the web and
>>>> found examples that make use of the
>>>> itk::RayCastInterpolateImageFunction. However, it seems that this function has not been wrapped for Python because I get the error:
>>>> ‘LazyITKModule’ object has not attribute ‘RayCastInterpolateImageFunction’
>>>> Any help? Hast this been done in the new 4.9 Version or what do you
>>>> suggest for me to do?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Fabio
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